Scan images of Ommatoporifera
Ommatoporifera were initially discovered within one of the fissures within the digital world #05A35. They exhibit characteristics resembling one or multiple cells, each containing concentric sub-components. The behavior of these cells is unique and confusing, as they constantly merge and divide. Based on current observations, these behaviors do not follow a specific pattern but appear to be more random. There is still no consensus on whether these cells are independent entities or part of a larger whole. However, most scientists consider the cluster of the cells a cohesive unit because the cells' movement is confined within a specific border. Ommatoporifera often appears as a community of three or more units of cells, although singular units have been infrequently observed. The way Ommatoporifera move across space is often described as floating or jumping.
Ommatoporifera最初是在數字世界#05A35的一處裂隙中被發現的。 它們表現出類似於一個或多個細胞組成的集群的特徵。它(或它們)的每個「細胞」都包含多個同心嵌套的結構。 這些細胞的行為獨特又令人困惑。它們不斷合併和分裂。 根據目前的觀察,這些行為並不遵循特定的模式,而是顯得十分隨機。 關於這些「細胞」是獨立的個體還是從屬於更大整體的一部分,目前研究人員仍未達成共識。 然而,他們中的大多數認為細胞組成的集群,細胞簇,是一個單位的Ommatoporifera,原因是這些細胞的活動被限制在特定的邊界內。 Ommatoporifera通常以三個或更多的細胞簇組成的群落出現。儘管曾有報告表明觀察到過單個的Ommatoporifera細胞簇,但是一般認為它們是群居的生物。 Ommatoporifera在空間中通常以類似為漂浮或跳躍的方式移動。

Image showing two newly divided cells are forming on the left

Two newly formed cells from division

Image showing two cells going to merge into one on the bottom left

Image showing the process of cell merging
Ommatoporifera only reside in several regions of the digital world #05A35. Most of the entities of Ommatoporifera are documented through Datarium04A63. Researchers had also seen them in Datarium0516D, Datarium056DB, and Datarium05345. All the clusters we have encountered are highly similar.
我們相信Ommatoporifera只生活於數字世界#05A35中的某幾個區域。大多數紀錄在案的Ommatoporifera都是在Datarium04A63中發現的。 研究人員還在Datarium0516D、Datarium056DB和Datarium05345中看到過它們。 所有被發現的的Ommatoporifera都高度相似。
Just like some other digital creatures, for example, Platystomata, all entities of Ommatoporifera we found before the leak are monochromatic. However, the newly discovered variants of Ommatoporifera are distinct not only in color but also in their structural composition. The newly uncovered post-leak Ommatoporifera have more nested sub-components. As a result, researchers speculate that they emerged through mutations triggered by the leak, indicating a direct relationship with the event.
就像其他的一些數字生物,例如 Platystomata,一樣,在洩漏事件之前發現的所有 Ommatoporifera都是單色的。然而,新發現的 Ommatoporifera 變種不僅在顏色上不同,而且在結構組成上也不同。 洩漏事件後新發現的Ommatoporifera有更多的內部嵌套結構。 因此,研究人員推測它們是因洩漏事件引發的突變而變異出的新種。這表明新發現的Ommatoporifera與洩露事件可能有直接的關係。

Images of Ommatoporifera found after the leak event. They are usually called Ommatoporifera Intoxicated
在洩漏事件後發現的Ommatoporifera的掃描圖像。它們被稱為Ommatoporifera Intoxicated
Project Datarium initialized by researcher John C has identified and documented a large number of all kinds of Ommatoporifera. You can follow these links to visit the archive:
Archive of Ommatoporifera
Archive of Ommatoporifera Intoxicated
由研究人員John發起的Project Datarium已經成功地辨識和紀錄了許多的Ommatoporifera與Ommatoporifera Intoxicated。你可以通過以下連結來瀏覽線上檔案:
Ommatoporifera Intoxicated的檔案
Datarium05712, where a unit of Ommatoporifera can be constantly seen
Video of Ommatoporifera Intoxicated
Ommatoporifera Intoxicated的影像