Digital Creatures
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Datarium is a series of generative animation/video installations. In this series, I imagine a digital world inhabited by digital creatures. Many portals, some of them appear to be screens and some of them look like everyday objects, bridge the gap between our reality and the digital domain. Each portal offers a unique glimpse into specific areas of the digital world, revealing diverse ecosystems teeming with digital life forms.
Each of the portals is presented as an installation with different characteristics that comply with the narrative around them. For example, Datarium 04A53 is under wobbly water, linking the imaginary ecosystem and creatures with the submarine archetypes in nature. Datarium 055BB is filled with dark and sticky liquid, related to a leak event between the digital world and our physical world, being a metaphor for the impact of human activities on the earth. Datarium 0FF00-0FF05 is designed to resemble laboratory objects, a symbol of the ambition of human beings to control everything in our surroundings.
Datarium is the result of a sequence of extensive studies on diverse natural ecosystems, especially aquatic ones. It is a re-interpretation and re-imagination of the world we occupy, an exploration of alternative forms of organisms, and a question of the essence of life.
Datarium 是一系列的生成動畫/影響裝置。 在這個系列作品中,我想像了一個充滿了奇異數字生物的數字世界。 在我們所處的現實與那個數字世界之間存在著許多傳送門。它們有的是某種電子屏幕,有的看起來像日常用品。 每個傳送門都通往數字世界中的不同區域,向我們展現數字生命形式多樣的生態系統的驚鴻一瞥。
Datarium 是對不同自然生態系統,尤其是水生生態系統進行一系列廣泛研究的成果。 它是對我們所處世界的重新詮釋和想像,是對另一種生物體形式的探索,也是對生命本質的追問。
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Digital Creatures
Archive Store