Plasmodata is a new family of species discovered in the digital world #05A35 after the leak. Plasmodata looks like expanding flows that spread throughout space, but they are actually the trails left behind by these creatures. Individual Plasmodata entities are imperceptible, possibly due to their small size or some form of optical camouflage that helps them avoid being seen. Plasmodata derived their name from their collective behaviors which highly resemble the formation process of plasmodium of several fungi. Some scientists argue that Plasmodata should not be classified as creatures, but this viewpoint is opposed by the mainstream opinion, supported by evidence of their ability to sense their surroundings and respond rapidly.
Plasmodata是洩漏事件後在數字世界#05A35 中發現的一個新科。 Plasmodata看起來像是遍布整個空間不斷延伸的流體,但這實際上是這些生物留下的足跡。 單個Plasmodata實體是不可見的,這可能是由於它們體積十分微小,或者它們有某種形式的光學偽裝可以幫助它們不被發現。Plasmodata的名字來源於它們的集體行為,這些行為與某些黏菌形成原菌體的過程非常相似。一些研究人員認為Plasmodata不應該被歸類為動物,但主流意見認為它們屬於某種動物,原因是證據表明它們有感知周圍環境並快速反應的能力。

Scan images of Plasmodata found in Datarium07DAD
There is a wide variety of Plasmodata species, distinguished primarily by the color of the trails they leave behind. Analysing the trails is the fundamental way of studying Plasmodata as they are invisible. The trails provide valuable insights into their movement patterns, adaptability to their environment, and their interactions with each other. Numerous relationships among Plasmodata species have been identified, including avoidance, attraction, and neutral interactions. Although Plasmodata show intricate interaction among themselves, they remain disengaged with other digital creatures.

Image of Plasmodata found in Datarium055BB. In picture, the cyan ones and the purple ones avoid each other while the orange ones get along with them both

Image showing three species of Plasmodata strangling together
Researchers have been striving to uncover the reasons behind the sudden appearance of Plasmodata following the leak. One explanation posits that Plasmodata, in fact, live in a different depth layer from other digital creatures. The leak causes that layer to surface into a realm we can observe. That might also explain why Plasmodata don't interact with other digital creatures. Another theory suggests that Plasmodata occur as a protective measure of the digital world #05A35 against the leak, analogous to how leukocytes function in our bodies. Further study about Plasmodata and the leak is required to give a more precise answer to this question.
研究人員一直在努力找出Plasmodata在洩漏事件後突然出現的原因。一種理論認為,Plasmodata實際上與其他數字生物生活在不同深度的位面層中。 洩漏導致該位面層位置變動,進入我們可以觀察到的領域。這也可以解釋為什麼Plasmodata不與其他數字生物互動。另一種理論認為,Plasmodata的出現是數字世界#05A35針對洩漏事件的一種保護反應,類似於白細胞在我們體內的大量產生。 我們需要進一步地研究Plasmodata和洩漏事件才能更準確地回答這個問題。

Image of Plasmodata found in Datarium04A63

Image of Plasmodata found in Datarium04A63. Their trails spreading out to the void highly resemble synapse
Video of Plasmodata from Datarium07DAD