Scan image of Platystomata
Platystomata is one of the first family of creatures found in the digital world #05A35. Platystomata are mainly free-moving. They usually have a dodecagon shape. Rarely, some of the Platystomata we found appear in an octagon form. They might be immature individuals. Platystomata have a distinct boundary that shrinks and expands. Within the body, they have a very complicated inner structure made of thousands of bones and joints. Some of the bones are about to extend outside the boundary while moving. Those bones and joints stretch and bounce all the time like spring, making Platystomata look like a breathing hole. That's why they get the name.
Platystomata是我們在數字世界#05A35中最早發現的生物之一 。 Platystomata通常不斷地自由移動。 它們一般呈類似十二邊形的形狀。 研究人員也曾偶爾發現一些以類八邊形出現的Platystomata。 他們可能是尚未成熟的個體。 Platystomata有一個明顯的類似細胞壁的邊界,不斷擴張收縮。 他們身體內部的結構非常複雜,有成千上萬的骨骼和關節。 它們的一些骨骼在移動時可以突出到邊界之外。 它們的骨骼和關節像彈簧一樣不斷擠壓而後伸展,使得Platystomata看起來像一個會呼吸的大孔。 這也是他們得名的原因。

Details of Platystomata's inner structure

Details of Platystomata's inner structure
Platystomata have been encountered in many portals connected to the digital world #05A35. Thus, it is believed that they live in various areas in the digital world #05A35. Besides the visual size, Platystomata in different portals are very similar. Maybe Platystomata are larger in some areas in the digital world #05A35, but the size difference is widely considered just the lens effect of the portal.
研究人員在許多連接到數字世界#05A35的傳送門中都遇到過Platystomata。 因此,我們相信他們廣泛地生活在數字世界#05A35的各個區域。 除了視覺上的大小不同,不同傳送門中的Platystomata非常相似。 也許數字世界#05A35的某些區域中的Platystomata確實長得更大,但大部分研究人員認為它們大小差異只是不同傳送門產生的鏡頭效果。
Before the leak, we only found Platystomata that showed up in monotone. Entities of Platystomata with vivid, dazzling, and changing colors emerge after the leak. There are two major hypotheses to explain this phenomenon. One suggests that those are new species of Platystomata resulting from mutations induced by the leak. The other proposes that they were previously concealed and forced to migrate from their original habitats due to the leak. The new kinds of Platystomata are often referred to as Platystomata Poisoned.
在洩漏事件之前,我們只見到過單色的Platystomata。 然而在洩露事件之後色彩繽紛絢麗變化多端的Platystomata就大量湧現。 目前關於這種現象存在兩個主流假說。 其中一個認為這些是由洩漏事件引起的突變導致變異產生的新種Platystomata。 而另一個假說認為它們本來居住在數字世界#05A35中不可見的位面,由於洩漏事件,它們被迫從原來的棲息地遷移出來。 這些新出現的Platystomata目通常被稱為Platystomata Poisoned。

Scanned Images of Platystomata Poisoned
Platystomata Poisoned的掃描圖像

Platystomata Poisoned's inner structure
Platystomata Poisoned的內部結構

Platystomata Poisoned's inner structure
Platystomata Poisoned的內部結構
Project Datarium initialised by researcher John C has identified and documented a large number of all kinds of Platystomata. You can follow these links to visit the archive:
Archive of Platystomata
Archive of Platystomata Poisoned
由研究人員John C發起的Project Datarium已經成功地辨識和紀錄了許多的Platystomata與Platystomata Poisoned。你可以通過下面的連結來瀏覽線上檔案:
Platystomata Poisoned的檔案
Video of Platystomata
Video of Platystomata Poisoned
Platystamata Poisoned的影像